I have grown up in Hinckley and Bosworth, living here ever since moving from Australia as a child.
Before getting involved in politics I helped run a number of local community projects - my favourite being Leicestershire Smiles, an outreach initiative visiting local youth groups and schools explaining the importance of good oral health. I'm also passionate about getting young people engaged in the democratic process. To this end I regularly visit local schools and talk about being a local councillor and I also serve on the Executive of the Patchwork Foundation, a national charity encouraging young people and those from minority backgrounds to get involved in politics.
In May 2021 I was elected as the County Councillor for Mallory - covering Barwell, Newbold Verdon, Barlestone, Stapleton, Peckleton and Kirkby Mallory.
In my opinion, the most important asset a local councillor can possess is that they are easily contactable. I run an active Facebook page, deliver regular leaflet updates and consciously put my phone number and email address out in the public.
At the County Council I serve on the Adults and Communities, Children and Families and Combined Fire Authority committees, but am happy to take up casework on any issue.
Please do say hi if you see me around!